It has begun…..

I just came from an errand that had me driving past the mall and man, was the parking lot packed!!

I couldn’t help but thinking about all the crimes that would be occuring in these busy parking lots this Black Friday weekend.  With how high crime and unemployment are this year, I think everyone would be well advised to have one of the best stun guns or taser guns on them this season.  If someone does approach you and you have it in your hand, but they mean no harm, oh well.  But, if they are there to purse snatch, carjack, kidnap or perform a robbery on you, having one of these in your hand will go along way in preventing the crime.

Be careful out there this holiday season….

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ZAP Stun Cane

Let’s say you need a cane to walk, or that at least you prefer to use a cane.  And, let’s say you’re walking down the street, the sun is just setting so it’s starting to get a little dark.  All of a sudden a huge German Shepherd is upon you barking and threatening like it’s going to attack.  What do you do?

Or, let’s say it’s the same scenario as above, you’re walking with a cane and it’s dusk out.  All of a sudden a mugger is upon you telling you to hand over your wallet or he’ll beat you….what do you do?

Or, finally, let’s say you’re walking and your walk is taking longer than you expected.  The sun set 30 minutes ago and its pretty dark out.  You’re not sure of the area and you just wish you had a flashlight, but instead, all you have is your cane.  What to do?

All of these cases are very real.  They can and most likely do happen many times a day around our country.  In all three cases, a ZAP Stun Cane would be an ideal type of cane to have on hand. 

The stun cane is not your average stun gun or flashlight stun gun.  It’s very different.  First and foremost, it’s a fully functional cane capable of supporting up to 250 lbs.  And, its adjustable in length as it adjusts from 32” up to 36” in length.  But, there’s much more to this self defense weapon than just being a cane.  It is designed so that it has a built in stun gun, if you will, as it packs 1 Million volts of stun power.  Further, it has a high-bright LED flashlight built into the unit to help light your way.

Of course, you could use the thing to beat somebody off of you, too, if needed.  But, hopefully, just activating the stun causing a loud pop and bright blue spark will be enough to fend off any attacking dog or mugger.

ZAP also includes an AC charger with the unit and a free carrying case.  The battery is built in so you don’t have to worry about changing out batteries, either.  ZAP offers a complete line of stun guns, mini stun guns, stun batons and flashlight stun guns.  The walking cane with stun gun is sure to be a smashing success as its already proving to be in high demand.

Protect yourself.  Protect your loved ones.  Protect your stuff.   Don’t take a chance, these days crime is everywhere and only getting worse.  I’m being told by experts that the riots we’re seeing all around the world are very possible right here in the United States.  As the financial crisis worsens and more and more people lose their jobs, many people are having to turn to crime to pay their bills, to put food on their table or, of course, for drug money and such.  Don’t take a chance.  Arm yourself with some form of self defense weapon, whether it be a stun gun, TASER gun, pepper spray or whatever you feel comfortable with.

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Taser Guns can be incredibly effective in the fight against personal crime.  However, there are some things to consider….

TASER Guns have to be properly cared for in order for them to work properly.  Their batteries have to be charged regularly so the unit is ready when you need it.  The unit needs to be kept in a convenient place so if you are attacked, you can quickly defend yourself.

TASER Guns shoot projectile electrodes, so if an attacker comes from behind and wraps your arms up, it may be difficult to defend yourself.  So, keeping the unit in your hand while you walk might be a better choice.  This brand of stun gun works as a direct contact device in addition to shooting style, so if someone is immediately upon you, you can still use the unit to defend yourself.

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